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Marquis Kurt

he/him | Indie game and software developer.

A fancy avatar of me, Marquis Kurt.


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My Snow Leopard Year: 2022 Goals

I have been mulling over what my goals for this year are, besides some obvious personal ones, since I wrote my reflection on 2021. I had been staring at a bare checklist in my Apple Notes, unable to come up with anything new and exciting. Sure, I’d love to finish Indexing Your Heart by the year’s end. And maybe I’m...

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2021: A Year In Review

2021 trailed in with the destruction and mayhem 2020 offered, and it didn’t seem like it’d get any better at first. That is, if the insurrection on January 6th in the US was any metric to go by. I still shudder at the thought of such a thing even being allowed to happen. It’s nearly the end of the year,...

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Unscripted: A Post-mortem

Good writing is difficult; between getting the occasional writer’s block and articulating everything in just the right way, it can be tricky to write a story that captivates readers. Taking that piece of writing and pushing it to the next level by making it a video game? In some ways, it’s liberating, since you don’t need to write a lot...

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A Curse Throughout Eternity - A Post-mortem of Planting Uneasy Feelings

When I first set my goals for 2021, I had anticipated learning a lot more about Kotlin and its quirks. As the year progressed, I didn’t touch Kotlin at all, instead using Python for various projects (namely Candella AppDB and No Love). When I looked back at my goals a month or so ago, I questioned whether I would...

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Unmasking the Bird: A Post-mortem of Package Resolved

Game jams are kind of like a roulette of good and bad luck; you never really know how a game will turn out until the jam in question is over. I participated in the 132nd Trijam, a couple of weeks after my last submission, Bug Bounty, thinking I’d have a relatively smooth experience like the last one. I was...

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Squashing Bugs: How Bug Bounty! was made

I recently participated in the 129th Trijam game jam in which I had to make a game in three hours. While I didn’t quite make that mark, I had a lot of fun participating in last week’s jam. The theme was “You have to look for it!”, voted on by the community; it didn’t take long for me to come...

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☕The Costumemaster: Reloaded now in open beta!

This post originated from my blog on Ko-fi. Click the link below to read it there.

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☕Introducing Candella AppDB

This post originated from my blog on Ko-fi. Click the link below to read it there.

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☕Upcoming changes regarding my Ko-fi page

This post originated from my blog on Ko-fi. Click the link below to read it there.

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Let's make it happen, 2021!

So long, 2020, and good riddance. I hope 2021 will be better than the dumpster fire that was the previous year, and I hope to accomplish some more things this year. Earlier in December, I posted a short list on Ko-fi with some goals I had in mind. Since then, I’ve thought of a couple extra goals.

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2020: A review

Okay, so that was a thing… 2020 really threw us in for a loop. The COVID-19 pandemic quickly spread across the globe, causing devastation and turmoil. The US presedential election in November was a close race, keeping me on the edge of my seat; that is, if the contiuous claims of “election fraud” weren’t enough (like, really: election fraud? I...

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Three things I wish I did with The Costumemaster

For the Fall 2020 semester, I developed a game for macOS called The Costumemaster. In this small puzzle game, you play as a software engineer and costume designer who goes through the levels, trying to escape (yeah, I know: horrible plot). With the exception to music (at time of initial release) and the libraries I used to help make the...

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First impressions with Big Sur

Apple, you continue to surprise me. I’m being serious; I was genuinely thrown off-guard with macOS Big Sur this year as my friends and I watched the WWDC 2020 livestream keynote on Monday. This year’s conference was definitely a significant one, and it felt Mac-centered rather than focusing more on iOS and iPadOS like last year. The new iOS and...

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Open-sourcing my Jekyll theme

Around the time of WWDC last year, I went and redesigned my website to make use of simple, but effective, styles. The stylesheet mostly consisted of adding padding to places, creating shadowed cards, and responding to the users’ preference of themes. Over time, I added more features and styles to the stylesheet, including icons from Feather and, recently, the...

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A new decade with new goals

It’s finally here: 2020! The start of a new decade means it’s time for me to make some new goals for this year! While I don’t necessarily set new year’s resolutions, I do set some goals since they seem to lead me to completely new experiences, even if I don’t quite hit the mark. You can read more about

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Let's review 2019

As 2019 comes to a close, it’s time for me to take a look back at my goals and accomplishments throughout the year. 2019 was definitely an interesting year for me in a lot of ways, especially in the developer space. Without further ado, 2019 in review.

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Finally, Ren'Py and PyCharm working together...

I love torturing myself. Or at least I think I do. I just don’t know what it is, but I always find it rather fun and exciting to see where Ren’Py can fit in places it shouldn’t. Back in June, I got it to work with Xcode with no big deal, despite missing proper syntax highlighting and what-not. Working...

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More adventures in Ren'Py and Xcode

In my previous post, I had discussed how I managed to get Ren’Py to work more nicely with Xcode as an Xcode project, meaning that Ren’Py developers that also develop apps for macOS, iOS, etc. can still do their work without having to leave Xcode. After writing that initial post, I found more ways to make the Xcode/Ren’Py experience (at...

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How to develop your Ren'Py project with Xcode

It’s safe to say that I’ve gotten back to using Xcode. A lot. I’m playing around with new SwiftUI features and use Xcode to manage the new version of my website. In fact, I’ve started to find ways to better integrate Xcode into my workflow, especially since Xcode 11 is bringing some awesome new features to the table that just...

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Give me that catalyst!

Apple had their annual Wordwide Developers Conference yesterday, and I had the great pleasue of watching from the comfort of my bed* from start to finish, a first for me (someday, I’ll get to go there in-person and experience it all). There was so much there that blew my mind and really surprised me.

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So, uh, I made a client for Mastodon

Hey guys! It’s been a while since I made a post here, but don’t worry; I’m not dead, and neither is this blog! I’ve just been busy with a few things lately, and I think you may want to take a look.

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Let's set some goals for 2019

2019: It’s finally here. 2018 gave us some good, stupid, questionable, and not so great things. For me, it’s given me new opportunities (you can read more on my 2018 reflections) and experiences. I hope that 2019 will do the same in this regard, so I am trying again with setting some new goals.

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Not huge enough? - A reflection on my 2018 goals

With the 2018 year coming to a close, I figured it’d be appropriate to reflect on my progress of the goals I set myself in the beginning of this year with a Medium post titled “Let’s make 2018 HUGE!”. It’s been a long while since I viewed this article, and a lot has happened over the course of the...

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Why I believe the fediverse is the future

When I pushed my new site up yesterday after having some small DNS hiccups, I added a few new things that are geared for interaction and sharing with the fediverse. In my updated introductory paragraph (what a mouthful), I also state the following:

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A brand new site

After getting back into the swing of things with Jekyll and Bootstrap 4, I have finally decided to restart my website using GitHub Pages and Jekyll, something I did in my junior year of high school. However, this site will end up a little different. Let’s consider this a Crhsitmas gift. 🌲

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What's coming to Behind Closed Doors 2.0!

Last week, a groups of friends and I released a visual novel to the public on the web: Behind Closed Doors.. Build for the web with Monogatari, Behind Closed Doors brings messages of redemption, hope, and love while telling a unique story. While this visual novel is intended as a project for religion, my friends and I are beginning...

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